

The Future Development of 3D Printing in Manufcturing Industries
Release time:2021-08-16

Just a few years ago, the benefits of additive manufacturing were speculative. Now, time savings in design and manufacturing as well as more efficient products have led to a rapidly growing use case, with 3D printing positioned as a mainstream manufacturing technology. Additive manufacturing has made its mark, and as an increasingly important pillar of the manufacturing Renaissance, 3D printing has a bright future.


Meanwhile, 3d printing manufacturing is headed for very exciting times because it is becoming mainstream. This industry continues to move towards industrialization, and the technology is increasingly becoming part of the wider manufacturing ecosystem.


With a new type of machine with better performance, more materials available, and greater ability to deliver 3D printed parts that truly match their mechanical properties, 3D printing is proving itself to be an important time and cost saving design and manufacturing option. 3D printing has the advantage of potentially changing the way goods are produced. The benefits are strategic: flexibility, design freedom, time to market, mass customization, distributed manufacturing, and so on. While challenges remain, results using 3D printing are showing their value.


As a result, 3D printing has been greatly developed in many fields, such as electronics, plastics and packaging, industrial machinery, automobiles, healthcare and so on, which gives us a comprehensive understanding of the 3D printing market and the use of additives. Therefore, we will focus on the development prospects of 3D printing in several fields.


1 Automobiles

In the automotive industry in the past, 3D printing was mainly used by car manufacturers to create prototypes of cars to check their shape and fitness for pre-production testing. With the emergence of metal 3D printing technology, many automobile parts are directly manufactured through metal 3D printing, which can avoid the huge cost of vowin.cn/' target='_blank'>mold opening, and the cycle is fast, and the product accuracy is high. Especially for some parts that are difficult to be manufactured through traditional processing, metal 3D printing can solve this problem well. This has profound implications for the automotive industry.


2 Electronics products

A few years ago, when there was not enough development of electronic products, the manufacturing of many electronic components still depended on the traditional manufacturing industry. In recent years, the rapid development of electronic products, it is because of the use of 3D printing technology. Innovations related to 3D printing and electronic devices allow us to create full-featured smartphones or multi-material products using additive manufacturing, which can help you overcome new challenges from the prototyping process to production and supply chain management.


3 Medical equipment

The flexibility of 3D printing allows designers to easily make changes without the need to set up additional equipment or tools. It also enables manufacturers to create devices that match a patient's anatomy (patient-specific devices) or have very complex internal structures. This is beyond the reach of the traditional manufacturing industry, but 3D printing just has these advantages, which can promote the development of 3D printing for medical equipment has a great role in promoting.


In a word, 3D printing has its own unique advantages, it brings convenience to our life, but also promote the continuous development of our industry. The new product industry is also constantly updated, so as to better promote the vigorous development of 3D printing technology. The future prospect of 3D printing in the whole manufacturing industry will also be better and better.

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